Social Anxiety Meetups and Support Groups: Toronto

Social Anxiety Meetups and Support Groups: Toronto
March 26, 2024

Social anxiety can pose barriers to forming meaningful friendships and relationships. If you want to begin to take steps to feel more at ease with who you are in social situations, I invite you to learn more about the resources that are available that will support you in your journey.

Know that you are not alone

As you begin your journey of going out of your comfort zone, as someone who struggles with social anxiety, know that you are not alone. There are various organizations/positive communities that have emerged that are dedicated to supporting individuals as they bravely face their social fears.

Finding relief from social anxiety can come about through self-help, working with a therapist, and most importantly experiencing positive social interactions with others. The latter is so important because it allows us the opportunity to form more balanced beliefs about ourselves and others (To learn more, check out my blog post on social anxiety).

Social Anxiety and Shyness Support Group

The Social Anxiety and Shyness Support Group is a Meetup group that takes place every weekend. It offers opportunities to connect with others whom also struggle with social anxiety. Struggling with social anxiety can be an incredibly isolating experience, and can be accompanied by feelings of shame. Meeting those with whom you share a common experience with can be incredibly validating and comforting.

Play with Fire Improv

Play with Fire Improv is a Toronto based agency dedicated to supporting individuals to find connection and healing through the medium of improvisational comedy. They provide improvisational classes for those experiencing anxiety where you can connect with others in the safety of a supportive and non-judgmental group.

Social anxiety is often accompanied by perfectionistic and rigid internal standards about social interactions, and more specifically what makes for a “successful”or “unsuccessful” one. Improvisational comedy, with its emphasis on creativity, playfulness, and spontaneity, has shown to help those struggling with social anxiety to feel more comfortable in social situations and to be more equipped to cope with the uncertainty that accompanies social interactions.

Those who are interested in learning more about what Play with Fire Improv has to offer can do so by looking into their in-person and drop-in classes.

If taking the step of joining a Meetup group or a improv group feels daunting, reaching out to a therapist can be an important step in beginning to find relief from social anxiety. Reach out to me to book a free 20 minute consultation call to see how therapy may help you.


Warmly, Hannah Peirce, MSW RSW


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